Mathematical Preliminaries¶
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When discussing numerical analysis, the functions we consider are continuous.
Roundoff Errors and Computer Arithmetic¶
The source of errors¶
In numerical analysis, there're two types of errors:
Truncation errors | 截断误差: the error involved in using a truncated, or finite, summation to approximate the sum of an infinite series.
Roundoff errors | 舍入误差: the error produced when performing real number calculations. It occurs because the arithmetic performed in a machine involves numbers with only a finite number of digits.
Suppose we want to approximate the value of \(\pi\) using the following infinite series:
In computer, we can't sum up infinitely many terms, so we need to use a finite summation. A simple way to do this is to discard the terms with a large index, i.e., \(R_n = 4 \sum\limits_{k=n+1}^{+\infty} \frac{(-1)^k}{2k+1}\). And \(R_n\) is the truncation error of the series.
After discard \(R_n\), we get \(\pi \approx 4 \sum\limits_{k=0}^{n} \frac{(-1)^k}{2k+1}\). During the summation, each term will be replaced by its floating-point approximation, resulting in roundoff errors.
Suppose there's a real number \(\overline{0.d_1d_2d_3 \ldots d_k d_{k+1} d_{k+2} \ldots} \times 10^n\) ,We have two ways to terminate the real number at \(k\) decimal digits:
- chopping: simply chops of the extra digits, i.e., \(\overline{0.d_1d_2d_3 \ldots d_k} \times 10^n\).
- rounding: adds \(5 \times 10^{-(k+1)}\) to the number and chops off the extra digits.
Generally, we use the function \(fl(x)\) to represent the floating-point approximation of \(x\).
- The error of chopping may not be bigger than the error of rounding.
- In each calculation step, we will do the chopping or rounding to meet the required precision.
Evaluation of errors¶
If \(p^*\) is an approximation to \(p\) ( \(p \neq 0\) ), we have:
- Absolute error: \(|p^* - p|\)
- Relative error: \(\dfrac{|p^* - p|}{|p|}\)
Definition :: significant digits
The number \(p^*\) is said to approximate \(p\) to \(t\) significant digits (or figures) if \(t\) is the largest nonnegative integer for which
Affect of roundoff errors¶
- Subtraction of nearly equal numbers: cancellation of significant digits
- Dividing by a number with small magnitude: enlargement of the error
So we need to simplify the expression as much as possible before performing numerical calculations to avoid roundoff errors.
Considering equation \(x^2 + 62.10 x + 1 = 0\), its smaller root is \(\dfrac{-b + \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}\), where \(a=1\), \(b=62.10\), and \(c=1\).
Since \(b\) is relatively larger than \(a\) and \(c\), \(\sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}\) will be close to \(b\), resulting in a subtraction of nearly equal numbers.
To avoid this, we can rationalize the numerator:
Algorithms and Convergence¶
Stability of an algorithm¶
- Stable: An algorithm that satisfies that small changes in the initial data produce corresponding small changes in the final results is called stable, otherwise it is unstable.
- Conditionally stable: An algorithm is conditionally stable if it is stable only for certain choices of initial data.
Evaluation of stability¶
We use the growth of error to evaluate the stability of an algorithm.
If \(E_n\) is the error of the \(n\)-th iteration of the algorithm, and \(E_0\) is the error of the initial data, then we have:
Linear growth: \(E_n \approx C \cdot nE_0\).
Linear growth of error is usually unavoidable and generally acceptable.
Exponential growth: \(E_n \approx C^n \cdot E_0\).
Exponential growth of error usually indicates that the algorithm is unstable, and may cause very large errors, which is unacceptable.