AVL Trees, Splay Trees, and Amortized Analysis¶
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AVL Trees¶
Target: Speed up operations like search, insertion and deletion
Baseline: Binary Search Trees (BSTs)
Before we start, let's define some concepts:
Definition :: Height Balanced
- An empty binary tree is height balanced.
- If \(T\) is a non-empty binary tree with \(T_L\) and \(T_R\) as its left and right subtrees, then \(T\) is height balanced iff
- \(T_L\) and \(T_R\) are both height balanced binary trees.
- The height of \(T_L\) and \(T_R\) differ by at most 1.
Note: The height of an empty tree is -1.
Definition :: Balance Factor
Balance Factor: The difference between the heights of the left and right subtrees of a node, i.e.
Balance Factor quantitatively measure how balanced a binary tree is.
Definition :: AVL Tree
A self-balancing binary search tree (BST) that maintains Balance Factor of any node not more than 1, i.e.
Tree rotation: A technique on a binary tree that changes the structure without interfering with the order of the elements.
- Effect of rotation:
- Time complexity: \(O(1)\)
- Types of rotations:
- RR rotation: The trouble maker node is in the right subtree's right subtree of the trouble finder node. We should perform a left rotation on the trouble finder node's right child.
- LL rotation: The trouble maker node is in the left subtree's left subtree of the trouble finder node. We should perform a right rotation on the trouble finder node's left child.
- LR rotation: The trouble maker node is in the left subtree's right subtree of the trouble finder node. We should first perform a left rotation on the trouble finder node's left child's right child, and then a right rotation on the trouble finder node's left child.
- RL rotation: The trouble maker node is in the right subtree's left subtree of the trouble finder node. We should first perform a right rotation on the trouble finder node's right child's left child, and then a left rotation on the trouble finder node's right child.
The height \(h\) of an AVL tree is \(O(\log n)\), where \(n\) is the number of nodes in the tree.
Let \(n_h\) be the minimum number of nodes in a height balanced tree of height \(h\).
Assuming that there's an AVL tree \(T\) of height \(h\), we know that the left and right subtrees of the root of \(T\) are both AVL trees, and their heights differ by at most 1. Moreover, at least one of their heights is \(h-1\).
To construct an AVL tree of height \(h\) with the least nodes, the height of the left and right subtrees could be respectively \(h-1\) and \(h-2\). So we have:
Splay Trees¶
Target: Any \(M\) consecutive tree operations starting from an empty tree take at most \(O(M\log n)\) time.
- Splay \(X\) to the root of the tree.
- Delete \(X\)
- Find the rightmost node in the left subtree of \(X\) and splay it to the root
Amortized Analysis | 摊还分析¶
To analyze the time complexity of a sequence of operations, we have three types of bounds:
- Worst-case bound
- Assume that every operation in the sequence takes the worst-case time
- May not be precisive enough to analyze the algorithm
- Amortized bound
- Garantee that the total time to perform all operation is in amortized bound
- Have nothing to do with the probability of operation in the input sequence
- Provide a good estimate of the algorithm's performance
- Average-case bound
- Statistical analysis of the average cost of each operation
- May contain big errors in some cases
Generally, Worst-case bound > Amortized bound > Average-case bound.
Followings are three methods to do amortized analysis:
Aggregate analysis | 聚合分析¶
Idea: Show that for all \(n\), a sequence of \(n\) operations takes worst-case time \(T(n)\) in total. In the worst-case, the average cost, or aamortized cost, per operation is \(\frac{T(n)}{n}\).
Accounting method | 核算法¶
When an operation's amortized cost \(\hat{c_i}\) exceeds its actual cost \(c_i\),
Assuming that we have \(n\) steps, for all \(k\) steps from start we need to maintain:
Potential method | 势能法¶
\[ \begin{align*} \hat{c_i} &= 1 + R_2(X) - R_1(X) + R_2(P) - R_1(P) \\ &= 1 + 2(R_2(X) - R_1(X)) \end{align*} \] -
- zig-zig: